Christian Fuchs
Chair Professor of Media Systems and Media Organisation
Paderborn University
Department of Media Studies
University profile
I AM NOT the journalist Christian Fuchs and NOT the football player Christian Fuchs, so please do not contact me on matters that concern these accidental namesakes.
ICH BIN NICHT der Journalist Christian Fuchs und NICHT der Fußballspieler Christian Fuchs. Kontaktieren Sie mich daher bitte nicht in Bezug auf Angelegenheiten, die diese zufälligen Namensvettern betreffen.
Research Interests
social theory, critical theory; political economy of communication, media, information, technology, culture; Internet, digital media, digital communication & society, information society studies, media & society, ICTs & society, social media & society.
CV (latest version)
I am Chair Professor of Media Systems and Media Organisation at Paderborn University. From 2013 until 2022, I was Professor of Media, Communication & Society and Professor of SOcial Media at the University of Westminster, where I was the Director of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI). I am co-editor of the open access journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society that specialises in publishing articles about critical studies of capitalism and communication. We welcome the submission of articles that fit the journal’s scope. tripleC operates a news list disseminating infos about new articles, calls for papers, conferences, events, and other journal-specific information. You can subscribe here.
I publish the tripleC podcast Communication, Capitalism & Critique that you can find here, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. I also publish the Critical Theory Rocks podcast on Spotify that features critical theory and music (see also here). It is the podcast where critical theory rocks society and rock music becomes a tool of social critique.
I occassionally write in various popular media, have video channels on YouTube and Vimeo, and am active on Bluesky, Mastodon, and Threads. You can follow these channels if you are interested in articles and talks about society, media, culture, politics, the Internet.
From 2015-2017, I was a member of the European Sociological Association‘s Executive Board. You can become an ESA member or renew your existing membership here. ESA organises a large bi-annual sociology conference. From 2011-2015, I was chair of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network 18 (RN18) – Sociology of Media and Communications Research that organises an annual conference. I am member of RN18′s board. You can become a member of ESA and RN18 here. ESA RN18 has a mailing list, to which you can subscribe here . You can also follow ESA RN 18 on Facebook.
I am co-founder of the ICTs and Society-network, an international interdisciplinary network of researchers interested in digital media & society that has various activities. You can subscribe to the ICTs and Society-mailing list here.
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique
Critical Theory Rocks podcast
tripleC podcast
YouTube channel
Vimeo channel
Google Scholar profile