Information, Society, Technology, Communication & Digital Media
ORF DialogForum: Das Internet Manifesto (The Internet Manifesto). October 4, 2021 (broadcast on October 7 & 9, 2021, on ORF III). VideoYouTube
ORF Digital.Leben: Manifest für ein öffentlich-rechtliches Internet (Manifesto for a Public Service Internet). ORF Radio Ö1, October 4, 2021. Audio
Christian Fuchs’ Podcast: “The Communication of Death and Love: A Philosophical Approach”, Spotify version, Podbean version
Christian Fuchs’ Podcast: “The Communication of Death and Love: A Philosophical Approach” Spotify version (featuring music by Bonnie “Prince” Billy, Soap & Skin, Pulp, Johnny Cash, The Kills, L7, Arcade Fire), Podbean version (text only)
Christian Fuchs: Book announcement: Communicating COVID-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times
Christian Fuchs: Book announcement “Foundations of Critical Theory”The Philosophy Junkie: A Philosophy Podcast. Episode: Professor Christian Fuchs on Karl Marx in the Digital Age (1 April 2021)
Christian Fuchs: Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie des digitalen Kapitalismus. Webinar, 23 February 2021. Organised by transform!at and transform! europe
Christian Fuchs’ “Critical Theory Rocks” Podcast on Spotify: Episode 1: Anxiety & Politics: The Relevance of Franz Neumann’s Critical Theory in the Age of Authoritarian Capitalism This episode of Critical Theory Rocks discusses the relevance of Franz L Neumann’s critical theory today. Accompanying reading: Including music by Sonic Youth, Soap&Skin, Belle and Sebastian, Yo La Tengo, Tocotronic. Christian Fuchs “Critical Theory Rocks” is the podcast where critical theory rocks society and rock music becomes a tool of social critique. Listen
The Marxist Political Economy of Communication, Talk at the DigiLabour Summer School, 11 January 2021
Capitalism and Communication: Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet & Digital Capitalism – Book Launch Talk (2020)
Book announcement video “Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory” (2020)
Book announcement video “Marxism: Karl Marx’s 15 Key Concepts for Cultural & Communication Studies” (2020)
Book announcement video Rereading Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism (2020)
Book announcement video “Nationalism on the Internet” (2020)
Christian Fuchs’ tripleC Podcast Episode 4: Engels@200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism (2020)
Christian Fuchs’ Podcast Communication, Capitalism & Critique: Episode 3: Ursula Le Guin’s “The Disposseseed” amd Digital Socialist Utopias (2020)
Christian Fuchs’ Podcast: E2 Everyday Life & Everyday Communication in Coronavirus Capitalism Part 2 (2020)
Christian Fuchs’ Podcast: E1 Everyday Life and Everyday Communication in Coronavirus Capitalism (2020)
Talk “Towards a Public Service Internet” at the Communication and Media Research Institute’s policy event “Towards a Public Service Internet: The Future of the Public Sphere and Digital Democracy?”. University of Westminster, June 11, 2019. See the associated (gratis) open access publications – a book and a policy brief about foundations and visions of how to establish a public service Internet:
Fuchs, Christian. 2016. Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet. Talk at the launch of University of Westminster Press and the launch of the book “Critical Theory of Communication“. University of Westminster, October 13, 2016. Get the book as paperback and free pdf/ebook at
Christian Fuchs’ Inaugural Lecture “Social Media and the Public Sphere”. Video of the lecture given at the University of Westminster on February 19, 2014. Inaugural lecture for the professorship in social media. An extended text version of the lecture has been published here:
Movie “What is Democratic Socialism?” (2015)
Digital Commons and Digital Capitalism. Talk at the eLife 2015 Conference
Christian Fuchs: Critically Theorising Communication Labour Keynote talk: LaborComm 2015: The Sixth International Labor and Communication Conference 9-10 May 2015, Ankara, Turkey.
Internet, Kapitalismus und periphere Entwicklung im Waldviertel Christian Fuchs Vortrag bei der “Volksuniversität Andreas Schremser – Waldviertel: Woher? Wohin? Wirtschaft – Wohlstand – Wissen“. Waidhofen an der Thaya, Austria. August 2, 2014. Organisation: Verkehrsforum Waldviertel,
Theorising Digital Labour. A Cultural-Materialist Perspective. Christian Fuchs. Extended version of a plenary talk held at the conference “The Dynamics of Virtual Work: The Transformation of Labour in a Digital Global Economy” ( on September 4, 2014.
The Digital Labour Theory of Value and Karl Marx in the Age of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Weibo, Christian Fuchs. Talk at the COST Action “Dynamic of Virtual Work”‘s Workshop “The Labour Theory of Value in the Digital Age”. The Open University of Israel. June 16, 2014.
The Public Sphere and its Transformation (2014): This lecture gives an introduction ot the notion of the public sphere, its transformation and the role of the media in the public sphere. It discusses some theoretical foundations of Chapter 8 “Twitter and Democracy: A New Public Sphere” in the book: Fuchs, Christian. 2013. Social media. A critical introduction. London: Sage. It discusses Habermas’ notion of the public sphere as form of immanent critique.
Lecture “Communication Power and Social Media” (Christian Fuchs) (2014). This is an online lecture that was part of the module “Critical Theory of Social Media and the Internet”. Recommended readings related to this lecture are: Fuchs, Christian. 2014. Social Media: A Critical Introduction. London: Sage. Chapters 4+5. Fuchs, Christian. 2014. Internet and Society. Social Theory in the Information Age. New York: Routledge. Chapters 3+10.
Christian Fuchs: Prolegomena to the study of media and communication in the information society. Inauguration lecture for the chair in media and communication studies. Uppsala University, Sweden, November 18, 2010.
Wikipedia Tutorial: How to Edit a Wikipedia Article (2014): This is a short tutorial on how to edit a Wikipedia article. It explains the basic elements of Wikipedia’s syntax and discusses how to edit a Wikipedia article with the help of an example.
The Russian Social Media Campaign – How to See it in the Large Context of Digital Capitalism. Interview with Christian Fuchs. The Real News, December 19, 2018. Part 1 .
The Russian Social Media Campaign – How to See it in the Large Context of Digital Capitalism. Interview with Christian Fuchs. The Real News, December 19, 2018. Part 2.
Christian Fuchs: Karl Marx in the Age of Big Data Capitalism. Video of a talk at the 5th ICTs and Society Conference “Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism”, University of Westminster, May 20, 2017. Talk
Christian Fuchs: Karl Marx in the Age of Big Data Capitalism. Video of a talk at the 5th ICTs and Society Conference “Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism”, University of Westminster, May 20, 2017. Discussion.
Christian Fuchs: discussant of Toni Negri’ talk “The Incorporation of the Digital Machine: A Metaphor?”, 5th ICTs and Society Conference “Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism”, University of Westminster, May 20, 2017. See Toni Negri’s full take here:
Elihu Katz Colloquium: Raymond Williams, Herbert Marcuse and Dallas Smythe in the Age of Social Media. Invited lecture. Annenberg School for Communication. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. January 23, 2015.
Krise, Kommunikation, Kapitalismus. Für eine kritische politische Ökonomie der Medien und des Internets im Zeitalter von Apple, Facebook, Google und Twitter. Luxemburg Lecture. Betahaus, Berlin. December 12, 2014. Invited talk. Organiser: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) Grafisches Protokoll (erstellt von 123comics). Publizierte Version
Christian Fuchs: Social Media, the Internet, (Un-)Freedom and the Public Sphere in Times of Crisis. Keynote talk at the Conference "Freedom of Information under Pressure: Control - Crisis - Culture". Vienna University of Technology. March 1, 2014.
Interview with Christian Fuchs (2014) about his book “Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age”
Christian Fuchs: Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet. Talk at the 1st World Forum of the International Sociological Association, September 6, 2008, Barcelona. PART 1
Christian Fuchs: Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet. Talk at the 1st World Forum of the International Sociological Association, September 6, 2008, Barcelona. PART 2
Introduction and discussant at the panel “(Un)Making Capitalism” with David Harvey and Eva Illoz, opening plenary at the 2017 Euopean Sociological Associaton Conference “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”, Athen, Greece. 29 August 2017
Simon Lindgren in conversation with Christian Fuchs about social media and digital capitalism
Die Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie der Medien & Kommunikation: Ein hochaktueller Ansatz (Critique of the Political Economy of Media & Communication: A Highly Topical Approach). Keynote talk at the founding conference of the Network Critical Communication Studies (Netzwerk Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft). Munich, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, December 1, 2017. In German,
Q&A about Christian Fuchs’ book “Internet and Society”, questions-part. seminar “Leadership & Change in a Networked Society“, taught by Jason Guard, at Virginia Commonwealth University, 1 April 2010. The answers follow below in six parts:
Christian Fuchs: Sustainable and Unsustainable Information Society. PART 1. Comment on the Paper: Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Theoretical foundations of defining the participatory, co-operative, sustainable information society. Information, Communication, and Society 13 (1): 23-47.
Christian Fuchs: Sustainable and Unsustainable Information Society. PART 2. Comment on the Paper: Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Theoretical foundations of defining the participatory, co-operative, sustainable information society. Information, Communication, and Society 13 (1): 23-47.
Christian Fuchs: Sustainable and Unsustainable Information Society. PART 3. Comment on the Paper: Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Theoretical foundations of defining the participatory, co-operative, sustainable information society. Information, Communication, and Society 13 (1): 23-47.
Christian Fuchs: Internet and Society – How Does the Internet Change Society? (2007), part 1
Christian Fuchs: Internet and Society – How Does the Internet Change Society? (2007), part 2